Lucie Brülhart

Route de Cottens 1

1143 Apples

+41 79 373 48 62







The tenant of the item(s) (The Property)


Name, first name ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


Adresse …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..


Telephon number …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..


E-mail ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..


On the other hand









Article 1: The Object


The Property described below is rented to the Tenant. General description of the item(s):














Article 2: Duration of the contract


The Property is rented for a period of ………… days.


This contract will begin on …….… / …….… / ….…… and end on …….… / …….… / …….…


The Tenant undertakes to return the rented Property in its entirety before the end of the contract period. Any delay will be billed as a new rental.



Article 3: Rental price


The tenant agrees to rent the Property for a total sum of ……………

This amount is paid at the start of the rental of the Property.



Article 4: Transfer – Sub-Lease


The Tenant cannot sublet, resell or transfer the Property.



Article 5: Deposit


1-    The Tenant gives Twisted Ego, run by Lucie Brülhart, at the start of the rental period a deposit of ……………

This deposit corresponds to the material value of the Property.


2-    The deposit is returned when the Tenant returns the Property to Lucie Brülhart and after inspection of the items.


3-     In the event of non-return of the Property by the Tenant, the latter will be required to pay the residual value of the Property, that is to say, the difference between the material value paid in the form of a deposit and the price of total sale of the Property.



Article 6: Use, Maintenance, Damage and Theft.


1-     The Tenant undertakes to use the Property for legal purposes and in accordance with normal uses of the Property as well as good morals.


2-     The Tenant undertakes not to clean or repair the items. A fixed price of 30 Chf is included in the rental price to cover the costs of cleaning and repairing reasonable wear and tear. If the item requires additional cleaning, a flat rate of 25 Chf will be charged in addition. An item that cannot be cleaned is considered damaged.


3-     Any modification of the Property is strictly prohibited. If a modification is noted it will be considered damage.


4-     If the items are returned damaged or have suffered damage not corresponding to normal use or rental wear and tear, the cost of repairs or complete replacement of the items will be charged.


5-     Items lost or stolen during the rental period will be charged at replacement cost.



Article 7: Optional additional remarks










Done at ………………………………………………., on …….… / …….… / …….… in duplicate.



The Tenant

Precede the signature with

the words “Read and approved”



Lucie Brülhart